Friday, February 11, 2011

Adelaide Zoo

Howdy mates,

Tonight we had our closing banquet at the Adelaide Zoo, which was a fun place to visit and a cool place for a banquet. We didn't see the whole zoo but were able to see many of the animals that you think of when you hear the word Australia. However, I didn't get a good shot of the koalas, so forgive me but just trust me that they were there.

I would say it was a pretty typical zoo, seemed a little smaller than the zoos I am used to (like the awesome Fort Worth Zoo) but still a good zoo. The grounds were once a botanical gardens, so there is lots (or loads as the Aussies would say) of lush greenery all around the paths and exhibits. One great deal for those who like zoos, is that you can purchase a season pass or family pass for this zoo and it gives you access to many other zoos in the country as well. I bet they have a similar program in the states as well, it seems to be a common practice, so check our your local zoo alliance (or whatever it might be called) for details.

Below is the kangaroo and wallaby habitat. There are mainly wallaby's in this picture, you can only see a small part of the back of the kangaroo, it is the reddish brown hump kind of in the middle. the kanga just wasn't in the mood for pictures, maybe she was having a bad hair day? The different between a wallaby and a kangaroo is size, once they reach 20 kilos, then they go from a wallaby to a kangaroo. Baby wallaby's and kanga's are called joeys. We also found out that a kangaroo mother can have a baby kangaroo, and keep it in the pouch and have another baby in her and just keep that baby in a holding pattern until she is ready for it and also be forming (or pregnant) with another joey at the same time. Wow, talk about multi-tasking!

These are the lemurs from Madagascar. There are 6 of them here and they all get along really well. There is one sitting on the log that is in the front of the picture and the rest are all nestled together in the red light area. That is a heating lamp where they like to sleep.
This is one of the pandas, either Fufu or Wang Wang, I am not sure which one. They had a great panda habitat there and we got to spend some time there as part of our banquet. They look so cuddly and fun, even thought I know they are not.
And here is the emu. They have some pretty fierce feet that can do lots of damage

It was a fun night with the animals! It was a good conference and I met a lot of people and learned a lot, but I am ready to get back to my boys. I miss them!

So, we will fly back to Sydney tomorrow and head home!

So, Cheers from Adelaide!

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